When this special function is activated, you can start the order by retrieving the data of a specified part from eTouch, without having a planned order available. The basic data of the part must previously be entered in Balthzar Admin. The green button normally used for starting orders have now been divided into two separate ones, one with the original functionality and one invoking a different screen where additional startup information can be entered.
When "Start part" is pressed, the form below is shown.
In this form, the user is supposed
to fetch the part information by using the button "Fetch", which in turn starts
a form where a particular part can be selected. In doing so, the additional
information shown in the lower left-hand corner of the form is retrieved. Order quantity and quantity per cycle is then entered, followed
by pressing the green "Start part" button.
At this
point, a Balthzar generated order is created in the database, which does not
correspond to any production order in the ERP system. As such, no time spent or quantity can be reported to
the ERP system.
Additionally, if the
started part is registered in the Balthzar database, the tool_id of the part
along with the yearly quantity will end up on the started order.